Poland is almost back to normal now as the official period of mourning is over, although many of the TV channels seem to be still devoted to it. The weekend was quite strange, as I thought Sunday, the day of the funeral, would be very quiet indeed. In fact the old town was full of Poles eating, drinking and enjoying the sunshine. Maybe they had all got a bit stir crazy with the wall to wall TV coverage? The weekend was very pleasant with a bit of sightseeing, an excellent version of Don Giovani, lots of good Polish food with far too much fine Polish beer with friends.

Back to work and today is a preparation day for me and I've been spending most of it in the Library (What is it with (some) librarins? All some of them need is a uniform, maybe a hat!) working on this weeks lectures and presentations. Topics include: How do online teaching and traditional teaching differ, a case study of a level one online module and Blackboard vs Moodle - I think we all know the answer to that one. Well, most of us do anyway :-)
So only a week left :-( Although given what's going on with the ash........